Wednesday, February 3, 2010

who will get your voice

i'm a music freak. it hasn't been fully demonstrated on this blog yet, but i have always been fascinated with the idea of lending your voice to those who may be unable to vocalize a thought, feeling, or emotion. it is what draws me to fiction writing. i have also dabbled in writing song lyrics, and had an amazing amount of fun in doing so.

in the aftermath of the horrible tragedy in haiti, as the country tries to put itself back together, i was again intrigued by this idea of lending ones voice to a group who cannot speak out for itself. it is in every commercial done by aid groups asking for money to help those in need in haiti. so i guess my question is this: who will get your voice? this is about helping people and speaking up on behalf of others.

will it be the outcast at school? one of your siblings who gets picked on by another sibling? the poor or homeless? the currently unemployed? single mothers? victims of natural disasters?

in a time when there are so many in need, many of whom are in our own backyards, who will we choose to serve? will we speak out on their behalf? will we plead with others to serve with us?

we can make a big difference now for someone, some group, somewhere. don't shirk your responsibility to your fellow man. give him your voice. speak on his behalf.

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