Thursday, February 4, 2010

what does haiti mean

yesterday i was speaking about certain things being written on the hearts of humanity and, therefore, transcending religion. service was one of these things. i believe this wholeheartedly, especially now following the terrible disaster in haiti. it was the same after katrina and the same after the tsunami in asia. when the world faces a major crisis, creed and color become moot as people join together to help those in need. it is a beautiful thing to see and be a part of and i encourage all of you to do what you can now to help the victims in haiti. there are a ton of organizations in on the ground floor. two that i recommend are Children's Hunger Fund and Direct Relief International.

all of this to say that we are wired to serve. it makes us feel good, coming along side others and helping those in need. we are designed to do this. so don't wait for a disaster. find a place to help others: your local soup kitchen, a retirement home, a battered woman's shelter, your church, etc. where you serve is less important that whether or not you serve. encourage others to work with you. together, we can have a positive influence on others.

::stepping down from soap box::

have a wonderful day (it could be more wonderful if you take the time to help someone else today)

i'm just sayin'...


  1. Stay on your soap box! We need more people like you who encourage, if not push people to continue serving and serve more. If more people have just a few hours a week (I'd settle for a few hours a month) what a difference place our world would be. Also I am working with two other organizations in Haiti that are amazing - Hands and Feet Orphanage and Faith Academy - both serve the children (mainly the orphanges of Haiti). I have visited both of these organizations when I was in Haiti the last couple times and they are strong, Christian, and successful organizations!!!!

  2. i say that the world needs fewer people like me, who stand on an invisible box whispering opinions into the wind, and more people like you who take the passion the good Lord gave them and use it to better the world the rest of try so doggedly to destroy.
