Monday, April 19, 2010

quick note

so things are crazy right now trying to get everything together for the house. we are trying to finalize all the loan stuff to close escrow this friday, and we have to get all this info about the 8k federal tax credit and the 10k california state credit. we are also frantic trying to get all the sub contractors into the house to bid the job so we know what we have to do and how much it will cost.

once that is all done, we have to look at what we want to do, then throw half of it out because we can't afford to do it.

5 weeks from now, we will hopefully be moving into a house that at least is half done. and if we are really lucky, our kitchen will work. what a fun, crazy, exhausting process, and we haven't even started the work yet.

God is seriously so good. we are really excited to have a house and a place we can enjoy our friends, family and future little ones. it's a blessing and we will, despite all the craziness (or maybe because of it), relish this whole process.

i will try and write something of more substance soon.

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